Welcome to the next tranche of French, Euro (and Japanese) bangers we have unearthed for you. This time we recognise the crate digging talents of one of our regular record dealers in France who persisted in sending me a giant package of records from his home to mine, before having Australia Post send it right back via turtle mail before sending it back to me and reaching Sydney in 5 days, intact and ready to dropped onto the wheels for your pleasure. So, here you have it, heaps of EPs and singles brand new to the collection. Enjoy!
Le Roi d’angleterre Nino Ferrer
Les aventuriers Mario Jacques
Hey Max les Charlots
Lady Madonna Los Mustang
Attention! Accident! Les Gams
Le temps est Long les Lionceux
C’est wue to n’es pas loin Anna St Clair
Wondertube (BA! BA! Hey! Hey!) Martin Circus
Pêpê Soup Manu Dibango
Et Voyage au pays des vivants Johnny Hallyday
Ring the bell of anger The Tigers